Installation Tvheadend Server on an Enigma2 Box

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The Founder
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Installation Tvheadend Server on an Enigma2 Box


Post by The Founder »

General Info:

Tvheadend is a TV streaming server for Linux which supports DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-S2X, DVB-C, DVB-T, DVB-T2, ATSC, IPTV.

The configuration takes place via a web interface, which can be called up in the browser.

The playback takes place e.g. via Kodi, Android or IOS.

It is possible to configure Tvheadend in such a way that any PC in the network can receive the server's TV signal.

The instructions describe how to set up the TVH server as a standalone solution on an Enigma2 box, parallel operation would also be possible

maybe there will be users who would like to describe it.


An Enigma2 box with openATV 6.4 or newer

Putty for Telnet/SSH access.

Filiezilla for FTP access.

A TVHClient e.g. Android TV, IOS or Android mobile phone to access the server.

PC with web browser.

Time and fun crafting


Current openATV 6.4 image or newer must be installed.

Images from December 25th, 2020 have a ready compiled version of the TVH server on the feed.

Connect to the box with telnet and install the software.

Info if the tvheadend installation is not found, wait until an image is available for download from December 25th, 2020

opkg update
opkg install tvheadend
stop enigma2

init 4

initial start of the TVHServer

the parameter -C starts the TVH server without requiring a user login, should only be used for the first installation

tvheadend -C

access the WEB GUI with a PC WEB browser

http://<IP of the BOX>:9981/

Set languages in the example I set everything to German.

after Save & Next the wizard starts again so don't be surprised.

click Save & Next again

Defining the local network and the standard user.

In my example

I define my local network and, as an admin user, take the same information as to access the Enigma2 box.

Configuration of TV adapter

I have an Enigma DVB-S2 Twin Box for testing

configuration of networks

in my example for Astra 19.2

the scan will take a long time, you can wait or just click Next.

the scan continues working in the background.

Assign the services found to a channel list

Completion of the initial configuration

New login with admin account and advanced configuration:

In my example, I had set root as the admin user.

Adjust tuner configuration

the wizard configures the tuner only quite simply

If you have more than one SAT position or Unicable you have to adjust your configuration accordingly.

Example Astra 19.2 and Hotbird 13.0

Customize the networks

Rename the default network DVB-S network to DVB-S Astra 19.2

Creation of the HotBird network

Assigning the network to a TV adapter

In my example, I have tuner B connected to a Unicable Switch with SAT Position A Astra and B Hotbird

Info SCR (ID) and MHZ from your Unicabke switch or click here from the Enigma2 configuration

Find your model from the list: scr1="1284" corresponds to SCR (ID) 0 in THV Server and 1284 to the frequency (MHZ).

I test access on the PC with Install VLC Player

Setting up Conditional Access (CA) (OSCAM):

Under General Default view level on Advanced and the Refresh page, then tick Conditional Access.

Save and refresh the page once in a while

I will not explain how to set up OSCAM here, only what needs to be set in TVH Server

in example access to an OSCAM Home Share

You can see whether the connection has worked by looking at the green symbol.

Quick test

Configure recording folder:

So that recordings do not use the internal flash, an internal or external HDD must be used.

Please set the folder name as you know it from the Enigma2 world accordingly.


I use the following options

Insert channel name in file name:

Insert date in file name:

Fetch artwork for new recordings.:

Fetch artwork for unidentifiable broadcasts.:

TVH Server Start Automatically.

So far the server only works if you have previously stopped Enigma2 and started the server

As said at the beginning, this is a guide for a standalone server after this change, Enigma2 will no longer start, but the TVH server!

the standalone solution is just intended for decommissioned Enigma2 boxes that were no longer used anyway.

Connect to the box with Filezilla:

If the access did not work, please assign a password to the ROOT account beforehand so that FTP access is activated.

via telnet

passwd root

Save the Enigma2,sh start scripts (if you want to go back

in my case I renamed the file as Enigm2.sh_old

create a new with the following content

please use Notepad++ or similar as editor

export HOME=/home/root

in Filezilla click on create new file

Edit file rights to 775 and save

with telnet


restart the box and the TVH Server Standalone starts automatically.

Optional information:

The config files of the installation are in the folder: /home/root/.hts

the entire folder e.g. Save if you want to make a backup or delete if you want to start over with the configuration.

Info on the web

GitHub - tvheadend/tvheadend: Tvheadend is a TV streaming server for Linux supporting DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-C, DVB-T, ATSC, IPTV,SAT>IP and other formats through the unix pipe as input sources.
Tvheadend is a TV streaming server for Linux supporting DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-C, DVB-T, ATSC, IPTV,SAT&gt;IP and other formats through the unix pipe as input…
Overview - Tvheadend

Tvheadend 4.0

This has been translated from German

Thanks @Captain from the ATV forum

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