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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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What are the benefits of delaying breakfast until 11am?
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While longevity can be a difficult goal to achieve, "soft" lifestyle changes can help us maintain our health and live longer.

A doctor has revealed that restricting eating for eight hours can help you live a longer and healthier life.

According to Dr. Julia Jones, neuroscientist and author of F-Bomb Longevity Made Easy, starting your day with breakfast at 11 a.m. promotes longevity.

In fact, this dietary protocol can help reduce the risk of serious health problems, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Dr Jones said not eating breakfast until 11am is a simple adjustment that can add 20 years to life.

Dr Jones said: 'Just to give our system a rest, try to leave 16 hours between dinner and breakfast, so fast and then eat within eight hours. A lot of research now shows that we eat too much, and apparently we eat the stuff. "But we eat a lot. And to rest your digestive system and allow other cellular pathways to work can help reset those cells."

This doctor-prescribed diet is known as intermittent fasting. While there are many different approaches to this popular diet, eating within eight hours describes a "daily time-limited fast."

The Mayo Clinic states that you can eat normally during this time every day.

If you decide to eat breakfast at 11 a.m. or skip it straight to lunch, it's up to you.

In addition, intermittent fasting can help reduce the risk of various health problems.

The Mayo Clinic states: “Weight loss and physical activity help reduce the risk of obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes, sleep apnea, and some types of cancer. For these diseases, intermittent fasting appears to be as beneficial as any other type of diet." food that reduces total calories.

In addition, this nutritional approach appears to be more beneficial than other diets in reducing inflammation.

And intermittent fasting isn't the only habit that can add years to your life, as the doctor explained that eating 30 different plants each week can also help.

"If you can make small adjustments to your habits, they will become your natural habits forever," he said.

The doctor showed that eating 30 plants a week can also help promote gut health, which is an "essential pillar".

What's more, Dr. Jones added, adopting these changes could start making a difference "within a week

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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A doctor reveals the benefits of chocolate that even her lovers may not know about
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Dr. Alexander Myasnikov announced that chocolate is not just a tasty food, but a necessary component of a healthy diet, which cannot be overlooked.

Myasnikov points out on his TV show that, according to a number of medical associations, chocolate should be consumed because it is one of the seven essential foods - fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, whole grains and garlic.

And he adds, explaining, and the reason is that chocolate contains a huge amount of biologically active substances. But you should not eat milk chocolate that contains nothing but milk fat, but rather dark chocolate, which contains not less than 70 percent cocoa, since it is enough to eat only a small piece of it a day and not a whole bar.

Myasnikov points out that chocolate contains biologically active substances that improve mood, as well as substances that relieve cough. And chocolate strengthens blood vessels, so it is included in the diet to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

According to him, chocolate is energizing and refreshing and because it is a source of caffeine it contains a slightly lower percentage than coffee and tea. Also, people suffering from heart disease and high blood pressure can take it.

Chocolate is a natural antioxidant, as it contains substances that stimulate serotonin and acetocin.
In general, "cocoa beans are actually a panacea," concludes Myasnikov

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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benefits of eating it.. Avoid these ways of cooking potatoes
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After being a staple food for humans for more than 7,000 years and an important part of global food security, it has been observed that the amount of potato consumed worldwide is constantly decreasing because it is often accused of being "unhealthy", although it is a nutritious and versatile vegetable It can be an essential component of healthy meals, according to the Mayoclinic website.

And surveys by the US Department of Agriculture showed that potatoes were the most consumed food in America in 2019 (about 57 kg per person each year, compared to more than 60 kg per person per year in Australia), most of which consumed in fried chips, without much sugar, other vegetables.

This topic is explained by author and personal trainer, Beth Skwariki, that "unhealthy eating is caused by not eating vegetables, not eating potatoes." saying, "The problem may not be with the potatoes themselves, but because they are part of an unhealthy diet for those who eat too much fast food."

Potatoes are innocent

A study from Denmark, published late last year, revealed that "potatoes are innocent of their association with diabetes, as long as they are eaten boiled or baked and not fried."

Research was also published two years ago that differentiated between boiled and fried potatoes, noting that the former is not linked to diabetes and does not lead to high blood glucose levels as long as it is eaten as part of a healthy meal.

However, after the 'unhealthy' category was slapped on potatoes because they are fried in fats and oils that are a health concern, as "eating fried foods can lead to an increase in calories, which can cause weight gain," Mayo Clinic .

Another reason for the potato's bad reputation, he added, is its high content of starch or carbohydrates, "considering that it can cause a spike in blood sugar, creating a measure of energy, followed by a feeling of hunger and fatigue after short time. but that is not a sufficient reason. If we overlook that “carbohydrates are an essential source of energy for the body and mind, and combining the potato with foods rich in protein, fiber and healthy fats, can slow down digestion time and stabilize blood glucose. "

Although "the carb-avoidance craze has started to die down," says Beth, potatoes are still seen as a poor, healthy food choice, prompting people to eat sweet potatoes instead of white ones, "although there's no difference between them, nutritionally. ."

Potatoes are nutritional wealth

. Potatoes contain a wealth of nutrients that make them part of a healthy diet, especially when combined with foods rich in protein and fiber. A large potato contains 284 calories and provides 81% of our daily need for vitamin C. and 64% of vitamin C. Our daily need for vitamin B6 and 64% of carbohydrates

Potatoes also contain 33% of our daily need for potassium, 8 grams of protein, 8 grams of fiber and less than 1 gram of fat They are a good source of manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and niacin and folic acid.

These numbers are impressive compared to other vegetables, as potatoes contain more fiber and protein than brown rice and contain the same amount of protein and more fiber than quinoa.

Not only that, but the potato skin itself contains many of the nutrients mentioned above, which is why experts recommend keeping it when you're mashing or baking potatoes.

Why should we eat potatoes?

Yes, indeed, we should eat potatoes, not only because they are cheap, but because they are:

rich in carbohydrates, energy, fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (which can prevent certain types of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer).

It provides resistant starch, a type of starch that can feed beneficial bacteria in the gut. It is associated with a number of health benefits, including controlling blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, increasing nutrient absorption, and improving digestive health.

Potatoes are one of the most satisfying foods

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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How to get rid of persistent back pain?
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How to get rid of persistent back pain?

Back pain is considered chronic if it lasts three months or more. It can come and go, often bringing temporary relief followed by disappointment. Dealing with chronic back pain can be especially difficult if you don't know the cause.
According to hopkinsmedicine, chronic back pain is usually age-related, but it can also result from a previous injury. The most common causes include:
- Arthritis of the spine - Gradual thinning of the cartilage within the spine
- Spinal stenosis - Narrowing of the spinal canal causing Can lead to nerve pain
Disc problems, such as a herniated disc or bulging disc
Myofascial pain syndrome Unexplained muscle pain and tenderness
In some cases, it is difficult to determine the cause of chronic back pain. "If your doctor has exhausted all diagnostic options, it may be time to get a second opinion from a back pain specialist."
It is important not to make hasty decisions or undergo extensive medical procedures until the source of the pain is discovered. If the source of the pain is unknown or untreatable, then your best option may be to work with your doctor to reduce pain episodes and make the pain manageable with non-surgical treatments.​
What are the non-surgical treatments for chronic back pain?
Physical exercise
therapy is the foundation of chronic back pain treatment and is one of the first treatments you should try under the supervision of your doctor and a spinal physiotherapist. However, the same set of exercises does not work for everyone, exercises must be tailored to your specific symptoms and condition, maintaining an exercise routine at home is also a big part of success.
Physical therapy for chronic back pain may include:
Retraining your attitude
Testing the limits of your pain tolerance Exercises
stretching and flexibility
Basic exercises
empowerment Mindfulness and meditation
Chronic back pain leads to physical and emotional stress. To manage frustration, irritability, depression, and other psychological aspects of dealing with chronic pain, you may be referred to a rehabilitation psychiatrist. This professional may recommend meditation, yoga, tai chi, and other cognitive and relaxation strategies to keep your mind off the pain.​​
Some diets are particularly inflammatory, especially those high in trans fats, refined sugars, and processed foods. Consult your doctor to find out if your diet could be contributing to chronic back pain and how you can change it. Maintaining a healthy weight can also help reduce back pain by reducing pressure on your spine
Lifestyle modifications
When you have chronic pain, it's important to accept your limitations and adapt to them. Listen to your body and learn to regulate yourself. Take breaks when mowing the lawn or make multiple trips when hauling groceries. Note the activities that make the pain worse and avoid them if possible. It doesn't help. It can help not only improve your back, but it can also prevent the underlying condition from progressing. Another important lifestyle change to try is to quit smoking. It is scientifically known that nicotine increases pain and delays recovery.
Injection-based treatments
Nerve blocks, epidural steroid injections, nerve resections, and other types of injection-based procedures are available for chronic back pain. They are used when the source of the pain is known and can sometimes help rule out certain causes. If treatment doesn't work, injections may stop or relieve pain for a while, but they're not meant to be long-term solutions and shouldn't be used alone
Alternative therapies
Acupuncture, massage, biofeedback therapy, laser therapy, electrical nerve stimulation and other non-surgical spine treatments can make a difference in chronic back pain.

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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In winter, ways to relieve back pain, mainly exercise
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In winter, ways to relieve back pain, mainly exercise

Experts advise to maintain a straight posture and avoid lifting heavy objects to avoid back pain. Back pain has many causes, but some common causes can be sitting for long hours and lack of exercise, according to the website 'indiatoday'.

Lower back pain can be quite a disabling condition if it occurs frequently. As a person grows older, back pain may become more noticeable due to age-related physical and psychosocial changes. Studies show that the prevalence of low back pain increases with age.

There are different types of back pain that are exposed to acute and chronic pain, such as mechanical, degenerative, inflammatory, tumor and infectious causes. Most people suffer from mechanical back pain that includes long hours of sitting, low vitamin D levels, aging and lack of exercise. In the elderly, there is a prevalence of chronic back pain due to degenerative conditions such as vertebral fractures caused by osteoporosis, tumors, spinal infection, and lumbar spinal stenosis.

And although some may experience mechanical causes of back pain, such as muscle sprains, fractures, disc collapses and spondylolisthesis, where one vertebra slips over another, there are back pains that can also be caused by inflammatory causes, such as spondylitis and stiffness the back, the back and causes of tumors such as metastasis to the spine
Dr Hardev Singh, Consultant Orthopedic and Joint Replacement Surgeon, said that infectious causes of back pain are very common in India, which occur due to tuberculosis of the spine. In this, there is pus formation that causes additional pressure on the spinal cord and nerve root, which causes back pain and can spread to the lower extremities.
Lumbar strengthening exercises:
And the doctor advised that in winter, back pain can be avoided by taking a break every one to two hours from sitting to stretch the back and exercise the body with some lumbar strengthening exercises or lower back exercises, as directed back strengthening exercises. to strengthen the lower back and spinal cord.
The doctor said that sitting for long hours in the office or working for 4-5 hours causes stiffness in the spine and when the spinal cord becomes weak, it causes mechanical back pain, so the person should do some strengthening exercises in waist.
According to the American Heart Association, you should get at least 30 minutes a day of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise five days a week, and getting vitamin D and calcium is essential to fight the progression of bone loss and osteoporosis, because these conditions can weaken the spine and can put you at risk. risk of hip fracture or spine fracture.
Measuring Vitamin D Levels:
Back pain can also be caused by low levels of vitamin D, and is more prevalent in young people today. Dr. Singh recommended that "Vitamin D blood testing and checking calcium levels help guide treatment. Vitamin D dietary changes can be made. Dairy and egg intake should be increased to relieve back pain."
Sit up straight:
Keep the poster straight because constant forward bending of the spine can cause kyphosis. Dr. Singh said, "The person should rest after 1-2 hours of stretching. Use a back support for sitting. In case of cervical pain, use a soft cervical collar while sitting for long hours," said Dr. Singh. Singh.
Avoid lifting heavy things:
Avoid lifting heavy objects if you often suffer from back pain. This will lead to a collapse of the intervertebral disc. If this happens, it will turn into a root pain, commonly called sciatica

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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steps to be healthy without medical advice
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5 steps to be healthy without medical advice

You struggle to recover from an injury, catch cold easily or struggle to cope with everyday life, but a healthy lifestyle can help make things better for you, according to the Highcliffechiropractic website.
Steps to help you get better
1) Get some exercise every day
Exercise can help improve your mood, fight disease, improve your mobility and even relieve pain.
The appropriate amount of exercise depends on your current energy balance, lifestyle and physical capabilities. If you don't currently have a very active lifestyle, start with small adjustments to your day. Walking 20 minutes a day would be a good start.
2) Drink plenty of water
Your body is made up of about 60% water. Therefore, it is very important to drink it.
Getting enough water is essential for your body to function optimally. It helps regulate body temperature, lubricates joints, promotes cellular health and improves mental focus, energy levels and mood.

4 simple changes you can make in your daily life
Bring a reusable water bottle
Replace soda and caffeine
Set of hourly reminders
Natural flavors
Not a fan of the taste of water? Don't worry, you're not alone. Taste them naturally with a slice of lemon, lime, strawberry or cucumber

3) Eat a balanced diet
Eating a nutrient-dense and balanced diet is key to maintaining a healthy and efficient body. A good diet can reduce the risk of disease and improve not only your physical but also your mental health. But how do you really "eat healthy"? With all the weird and wonderful diets out there, it can be hard to know where to start. Here are our suggestions:

4) Sleep well
Most of us need between 6 and 9 hours of sleep a night to wake up feeling refreshed each morning. The exact amount of time you need depends on you - some people get better with a little sleep and others need more. It's something you'll need to play with. Here are some tips if you have trouble sleeping.

Turn off the lights and power
Try to turn off the phone, TV and any bright lights at least two hours before bed. Turn on the screen with a book while you try to wind down. If you really need to use your laptop late at night, wear blue light blocking glasses. Or you can download an app like f.lux to block blue light on your computer or laptop.

5) Take time to relax
With life as busy as it gets sometimes, it's easy to forget to reconnect. We can't continue to do the best for our friends and family if we don't take care of ourselves first. Find time to do something you enjoy every day. Be it cooking, reading or a walk in nature

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Brain chip for browsing social media
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Scientists have developed a brain implant thinner than a human hair that allows people to use social media using only brain signals, without having to use their hands or click any buttons. The experimental chip is designed for paraplegics who cannot use their limbs to communicate via computer. But this invention may also allow healthy people to use social media with just their brain power. This brain implant differs from the one developed by Elon Musk because the procedure required to implant it is less "invasive" and dangerous, since the chip is placed on the surface of the brain instead of tissue.

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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How can common vaccines be a way to reduce the risk of dementia?
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One in nine Americans age 65 and older will develop Alzheimer's disease in 2022, and countless others will be indirectly affected as health care providers and taxpayers.

There is currently no cure, as available treatments focus mainly on prevention, encouraging preventive factors such as exercise and a healthy diet and reducing disease-promoting factors such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

One of these aggravating factors includes viral infections.

Researchers have found that some viruses such as herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1, which causes herpes), varicella zoster virus (VZV, which causes chickenpox and shingles) and SARS-CoV-2 (which causes "COVID-19" ) May lead to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia after infection.

Understanding how and when these viruses contribute to disease could help scientists develop new treatments to prevent dementia. However, researchers have not consistently been able to detect suspected viruses in the brains of people who have died of Alzheimer's disease.

Because the Alzheimer's disease process can begin decades before symptoms appear, some researchers have suggested that viruses act early in a hit-and-run fashion. It starts a chain of events that leads to dementia but it has already started. In other words, by the time researchers analyze patients' brains, all detectable viral components are gone, and causality is difficult to establish.

Andrew Popak, assistant research professor of neurology, Diego Restrepo, professor of cell and developmental biology, and Maria Nagel, professor of neurology and ophthalmology, at the University of Colorado Medical City in Anschutz, focus on the role viruses play in neurodegenerative diseases. In their recently published research, they use a new technique to look for traces of these viruses in Alzheimer's patients.

By focusing on the most vulnerable point of entry into the brain, the nose, researchers discovered a genetic network that provides evidence for a robust viral response.

Focus on the olfactory system

Many of the viruses involved in dementia, including herpes viruses and the virus that causes COVID-19, enter the nose and interact with the olfactory system.

The olfactory system is constantly exposed to odors, pollutants and pathogens. Molecules inhaled through the nostrils bind to specific olfactory receptor cells in the tissues lining the nasal cavity.

These receptors send messages to other cells in the so-called olfactory bulb, which acts as a relay station that transmits these messages to the long nerves of the olfactory tract. These messages are then transmitted to the area of the brain responsible for learning and memory, the hippocampus.

The hippocampus plays a critical role in rendering information about odors, such as the relief of the scent of lavender. This region of the brain is also severely damaged in Alzheimer's disease, causing devastating learning and memory deficits.

For up to 85% to 90% of Alzheimer's patients, loss of smell is an early sign of the disease. The mechanism leading to the loss of smell in Alzheimer's disease is relatively unknown.

Sensory deprivation is thought to atrophy areas of the brain that specialize in interpreting sensory information, like muscles that atrophy from disuse. A strong sensory input to these areas is critical to maintaining overall brain health.

Olfactory inflammation and Alzheimer's disease Oi

researchers hypothesize that viral infections throughout life are contributing factors and potential drug targets in Alzheimer's disease. To test this idea, they used cutting-edge technology to examine messenger RNA and protein networks in the olfactory system of Alzheimer's patients.

The body uses mRNA, which is copied from DNA, to translate genetic material into proteins. The body uses certain messenger RNA sequences to produce a network of proteins used to fight certain viruses.

In some cases, the body continues to activate these pathways even after the virus is cleared, leading to chronic inflammation

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The "lysine" trick..Is white bread hiding behind short stature and weak immunity?
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Opening a white bread bakery in Sweden

There are posts on social media claiming that Sweden only sells barley bread in its markets.

Circulating blogs also state that this is the reason for the long stature of its citizens and the strength of their structure, since barley contains the amino acid "lysine".
However, this claim is untrue, as all types of bread are available in Sweden. As for the health information mentioned in the brochures, they have no scientific basis, according to experts.
Reports claim that Sweden sells "nothing but barley bread and oats" in its markets.
And he goes on to say that barley contains the highest percentage of "lysine, which contributes to the strength of structure, length and good immunity of this people."
Versions hold white bread responsible for the short stature of people who eat it and their weak immunity.
However, all information contained in these publications is unfounded.
Sweden sells all kinds of bread in its shops, and according to Agence France-Presse reporters there, white bread is available like any other on the market.
Sweden's official Arabic-language website previously denied, via its Twitter account, similar claims that white bread is banned in Sweden, saying: “It is not true that white bread is banned in Sweden and it is marketed in different types. "
The publications talked about an amino acid called "lysine" and placed great importance on it "as it lengthens bones and strengthens the structure."
Often, promoters of fake news tend to include scientific names that people are not used to hearing, so their impact is effective in validating the publications.​​
What is lysine?
Lysine is one of the nine essential amino acids that the human body does not secrete, but obtains through food, especially red meat, fish and cheese. The nine essential amino acids, one of which is lysine, are the smallest building blocks of proteins.
Nutritionist Chantal Hanna says: "When we talk about a complete diet, we recommend that it includes protein, especially complete proteins with all the essential amino acids."
Is barley the richest in lysine?
"Of course not." With this answer, Chantal Hanna confirms that barley is not the richest in this amino acid and explains: "The grain does not contain complete proteins, which means that one or more of the essential amino acids are missing."
He adds, "That's not to say barley doesn't contain lysine," but of course, "it's by no means the richest. proteins".
Is a particular amino acid recommended in the comprehensive diet?
"Nutritionists don't focus on one amino acid and don't give it much importance for growth," says Chantal Hanna.
He added, "We are willing to provide the necessary amount of proteins, especially the complete proteins required for good metabolism, which contain the nine amino acids, and lysine is one of them."
Does lysine contribute to bone growth and structure?
The Lebanese specialist in orthopedic surgery, Dr. Ravi Banjarian told AFP that "human structure is hereditary" above all, and an amino acid like "lysine" cannot play a role in how tall or short one is.
Banjarian adds, "Lysine is a major amino acid" that is useful for body functions along with other amino acids, but it does not change the shape of bones in terms of length and does not contribute to the strength of the structure.
He explains, "A person naturally gets lysine from meat, chicken, eggs, and some cheeses...and can get it in the form of supplements, and doctors don't recommend these supplements for children."
White bread or something else?
"We usually don't recommend eating white bread," says the nutritionist. He added jokingly: "Not because it lacks lysine, of course, but because the percentage of minerals and dietary fiber in it is lower than whole grains that retain their husks, such as whole wheat, oats and barley

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Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum


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Height can increase the risk of six cancers

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An analysis by the World Cancer Research Fund shows that taller people are at risk of developing six different types of cancer.

It is known that there are a number of factors that can increase the risk of developing cancer. These include diet, weight and lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, which can increase your chances of developing the disease. However, there are other factors beyond our control. According to the World Cancer Research Fund International, your height is one such factor.

The research team analyzed global evidence on the relationship between diet, weight, physical activity and cancer. It concluded that there was "strong" evidence that the higher the height, the greater the risk of ovarian, prostate, pancreatic, colon, breast and kidney cancers.

More specifically, they found that every additional five centimeters in height increased the risk by the following amounts:

Kidney cancer: 10% increased risk

Pre- and postmenopausal breast cancer: 9 and 11% increased risk, respectively

Ovarian cancer: 9% increase Risk increased by 8%

- Pancreatic cancer: increased risk by 7%

- Colon and rectal cancer: 5% increased risk

- Prostate cancer: increased risk by 4%

Why does height affect cancer risk?

Susannah Brown, science program director at the World Cancer Research Fund, explained how the risk of cancer lies in the process of getting tall rather than being tall.

"The most important thing to remember is that it's not a person's height—the distance from your head to your feet—that increases your risk of cancer. Instead, the process your body underwent to make you taller is linked to cancer," he said. .

In other words, he explained, final adult height is a visual representation of the growth process a person's body has gone through from conception to adulthood. This process is influenced not only by genes, but also by modifiable growth factors (for example, growth factors such as insulin and growth-like factor), insulin, growth hormone, and sex hormones such as estrogen) in utero and during childhood and adolescence.

"Therefore, height should be considered only as an indicator of the entire chain of events and experiences from conception to adulthood, and it is important to determine the aspect or aspects of this process that influence cancer risk."

Factors that determine height

While height is influenced by genetics, diet also plays a role. "We know that people reach their maximum height around age 20, and that a person's height is partly influenced by their genes as well as the nutritional quality and quantity of food they receive as they grow and develop," says Brown. .

The effect of environment on height is illustrated by the increase in population height in many countries in the early nineteenth century, reflecting improvements in hygiene and nutrition during this period.

We also know that children's growth can be accelerated by feeding them a protein-rich formula, which in turn leads to taller adults.

Additionally, children who are heavier for their height (mainly due to fat) tend to grow faster and be taller (and fatter).

In high-income countries, where people tend to be relatively tall and obesity rates also tend to be high, the age at which girls experience their first period has fallen steadily in recent decades from around 15 to less than 11. the processes result directly or indirectly from developmental feeding and changing hormone levels (either growth-related or sex-related hormones).

These hormones affect both the visual structure of people (such as their height) and the growth and behavior of cells within the body, Brown explains. body, so it seems likely that these are at least part of the reason taller people are more likely to develop six types of cancer.

Common symptoms of cancer include:

- Cough, chest pain and shortness of breath

- Changes in habits t

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