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* Telekanal Che +4h/+7h (2600/1FFF) Biss Key (90.0°E) -> 11265 H/11385 V/11385 H 30000 3/4 & 12703 V 5600 3/4 (MPEG-4)
* Mir (0h/+4h) & Mir HD (2600/1FFF) Biss Keys (75.0°E) -> 11471 V 22500 1/2 (MPEG-4) & 11490 V 7500 2/3 (MPEG-4/HD)
* Setanta Sports 1 & 2 HD (2600/1FFF) Biss Keys (46.0°E) -> 11024 H 16500 3/4 (MPEG-4/HD)
* Eurobet 15 HD (2600/1FFF) Biss Key (46.0°E) -> 10730 H 30000 5/6 (HEVC/HD)
* SIC Internacional (2600/1FFF) Biss Key (16.0°E) -> 12562 H 3703 7/8
* SRTV Feed HD (2600/1FFF) Biss New Key (16.0°E) -> 12643 V 27500 2/3 (MPEG-4/HD)
* AFP TV HD (2600/1FFF) Biss New Key (10.0°E) -> 11346 H 27500 3/4 (MPEG-4/HD)
* AFN (0E00/0000) PowerVU New 00-01 Keys (9.0°E) -> 11804 V 27500 2/3 (MPEG-4/HD)
* FEED OCCAS HD (0E00/0000) PowerVU New 00-01 Keys (0.8°W) -> 12643 V 28800 3/4 (MPEG-4/HD)
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* TNT Music (2600/1FFF) Biss Key (90.0°E) => 11265 H 30000 3/4
* Mir +4h (2600/1FFF) Biss Key (75.0°E) => 11490 H 7500 5/6 (MPEG-4/HD)
* Watan TV HD (2600/1FFF) Biss Key (53.0°E) => 11560 H 10500 2/3 (MPEG-4/HD)
* Kanal D HD Romania (2600/1FFF) Biss Key (39.0°E) => 12724 H 6250 2/3 (MPEG-4/HD)
* NFL Service 1/2/3/4/5 (2600/1FFF) Biss Keys (19.2°E) => 11817 V 31428 4/5 (DVB-S2/16APSK)
* SRTV Feed HD (2600/1FFF) Biss Key (16.0°E) => 12643 V 27500 2/3 (MPEG-4/HD)
* AFN (0E00/0000) PowerVu 00-01 Keys (9.0°E) => 11804 V 27500 2/3 (MPEG-4/HD)
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