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Astra 2G

Posted: 13 Dec 2022, 16:55
by Magnus
WildEarth HD starts FTA tests

WildEarth The new TV channel WildEarth TV, which offers live safari and more, is set to become available to millions of viewers in the UK as early as 2023. Unencrypted tests of HD transmission appeared on the Astra 2G satellite (28.2°E) in the European beam, and if it is an FTA channel, it will cover the whole of Europe and all recipients with antennas set at 28.2°E.

Technical parameters:
Astra 2G (28.2°E)
etc. - (11.171 GHz, pol. H, SR: 22000, FEC: 5/6; DVB-S / QPSK)

ID: 51118
PID V: 2305 (MPEG-4/HD)
PID A: 2306 (ac3)
PID PCR: 2305
SID: 51118
PMT PID: 256
Provider: BSkyB
Encoding: none (FTA)