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✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum

Posted: 25 Dec 2022, 22:20
by sugar
How do we eat to lose weight?
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Dr. Marina Makisha, a Russian nutritionist, announced that many people want to get rid of extra pounds, but do not know how this desire can be achieved.
The expert said in a TV program that if a person reduces his daily calorie intake by 500 calories a day, then within a week he will lose 500-1000 grams, according to Russia Today.
In addition, the following items should be excluded from the daily diet:
Pastries: The expert confirms that "it is possible to eat a small amount of wholemeal bread. But all other baked goods made with premium white flour should be excluded, because they are calories that do not benefit the body. It is true that it is fast energy, but if one does not burn it, it will accumulate in the form of fat."
He adds that the glycemic index of all baked goods is high, so they cause a spike in blood sugar levels.
Salty food: Scientists have proven that salt stimulates the appetite. So people who like salty food usually eat more food.
Sweets: The expert points out that "the human brain reacts positively to the sweet taste. This causes a feeling of joy and pleasure, which in turn leads to overeating."
According to her, addiction to sweets is closely related to our habits.
He says: “There are many social rituals associated with the use of sweets – for example, at birthdays cakes are served and at weddings cakes, coffee and sweets are served. When friends visit, we usually offer a box of sweets or chocolates.'

Arab Quds

Re: ✅ Department of Education, Science and Technology Medicine and health fo

Posted: 25 Dec 2022, 22:23
by sugar
Healthy lifestyle.. How to reduce the risk of dementia
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Studies have shown that an unhealthy lifestyle can increase the risk of dementia and vice versa, as a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk
Doctors have indicated the absence of treatment options for this disease, which calls for a focus on prevention factors.
A recent study by the German University of Leipzig showed that a healthy lifestyle has a significant impact on mental health, according to the German magazine "Helppractice".
The study showed that care should be taken to follow a healthy and well-rounded diet, while making sure to exercise and enjoy life in general.
The study also shows that practicing the pleasant things in life, such as light exercise, warm social relationships, meeting friends on a regular basis, and having fun while traveling, etc. help prevent dementia.
This comes in addition to making sure to give your brain a boost from time to time by doing mental exercises like Sudoku, crosswords and solving some simple math problems.Finally, doctors recommend getting a good night's sleep.

Re: ✅ Department of Education, Science and Technology Medicine and health fo

Posted: 25 Dec 2022, 22:26
by sugar
For diabetics and heart patients.. Here are 4 health benefits of cinnamon tea
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Cinnamon has a strong aroma and many amazing medicinal properties. It is extracted from the inner bark of cinnamon tea and is readily available in stick, powder and small pieces. Health experts often recommend adding cinnamon to your diet. This spice is full of antioxidants that protect your body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals, it is also good for your heart. Cinnamon can be added to your diet in a number of ways. If you are looking for healthy decaffeinated tea options, you can add cinnamon tea to your diet without a doubt. Here are some of the notable health benefits of drinking cinnamon tea, as reported by ndtv.
Cinnamon tea: Learn about 4 amazing ones
1. Good for diabetics
Cinnamon has a strong antidiabetic effect. It can help lower blood sugar levels, reduce insulin resistance, and prevent blood sugar spikes after meals. Therefore, people with diabetes can add cinnamon tea to their diet to naturally control blood sugar levels.

2. It can help manage PCOS
PCOS is a condition that leads to hormonal imbalance and irregular menstruation. It can also increase blood sugar levels. Cinnamon can help treat many of the symptoms of PCOS. It can help regulate the menstrual cycle as well as reduce sugar levels in the body. Therefore, women with PCOS can easily add cinnamon tea to their diet.
3. Loaded with antioxidants
Antioxidants protect your cells from free radicals. Cinnamon tea is rich in antioxidants. This means that drinking cinnamon tea can help you reduce oxidative stress, which lowers the risk of many serious health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and more.
4. Promotes heart health
Cinnamon tea can also help keep your heart healthy. Now it is imperative that you take all the necessary steps to support your heart health. Add cinnamon tea to your diet. Cinnamon helps reduce inflammation and contains heart-healthy compounds. It also reduces bad cholesterol levels and promotes good cholesterol in the body.
You can prepare cinnamon tea in minutes. Simply add a tablespoon of cinnamon powder or a cinnamon stick to a cup of water and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Once done, strain and enjoy.

The seventh day

Re: ✅ Department of Education, Science and Technology Medicine and health fo

Posted: 25 Dec 2022, 22:28
by sugar
Drinks that help eliminate toxins from the body.. Apple juice and cinnamon water are the most important
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Drinks that help eliminate toxins from the body.. Apple juice and cinnamon water are the most important

Many people thought that detox drinks only help in weight loss, but in fact, they have an important role in eliminating toxins from the body, as they clean your body from the inside and remove toxins, because they combine different ingredients.

According to the food site, the most important drinks that expel toxins from the body are:
Cucumber water
Rich in vitamin B, potassium and magnesium, it is very low in calories and has cleansing properties. Cucumbers can also help with weight loss because they suppress appetite and are high in satiating fiber.
Apple and cinnamon water
Apple and cinnamon are a combination for burning fat and eliminating toxins from the body, as this drink contains antioxidants that help eliminate toxins and keep you healthy. It is also good for digestion and helps maintain a healthy metabolism, which aids in weight loss
Orange water
Rich in vitamin C, which is beneficial for skin health, the vitamin also helps convert fats into energy instead of storing them in the body, so enjoy some of this delicious fruit in your detox drinks.
- Pomegranate
They contain important properties for the health of the body and help eliminate toxins and viruses from the body, as well as promote the health of the immune system.​
Lemon water
In addition to containing a high percentage of vitamins and properties that promote the health of the immune system, it works to flush out toxins and viruses from the body.

The seventh day

Re: ✅ Department of Education, Science and Technology Medicine and health fo

Posted: 25 Dec 2022, 22:31
by sugar
Scientists create 3D printed eye tissue
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A team of US researchers from the National Eye Institute has printed cells that form the blood barrier and the outer retina in the eye tissues that support photoreceptors for sensing light in the retina.

"Age-related macular degeneration is known to start at the outer blood-retinal barrier. However, the mechanisms by which it occurs are still poorly understood due to the absence of physiologically relevant human models," said Dr. Kapil Bharti, a researcher at the Ophthalmology translation and stem cells.

The outer retinal blood barrier of the eye consists of retinal pigment separated from the choroid by Bruch's membrane, which regulates the transport of nutrients and wastes between the retina and the choroid.

In people with macular degeneration, deposits of a lipoprotein called drusen form outside Bruch's membrane, preventing it from working properly.
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Twenty million Americans suffer from a form of age-related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of blindness in Americans over age 60. It is also the leading cause of blindness worldwide.

"Our efforts resulted in retinal tissue models of degenerative eye disease," said co-author Mark Ferrer, director of the 3D Tissue Bioprinting Laboratory at the National Center for the Advancement of Translational Sciences at the National Institutes of Health.

Bharti and colleagues embedded three types of choroid cells in the surrounding and endothelial cell hydrogel and printed the gel onto a biodegradable scaffold. Within days, the cells began to mature into a dense capillary network. On the ninth day, the scientists transplanted retinal pigment epithelial cells to the other side of the scaffold. After one month, the tissue had reached full maturity and the imprinted tissue looked similar to the blood septum and original outer retina.

The scientists published the results of their work in the journal Nature Methods, according to the British Daily Mail.

Re: ✅ Department of Education, Science and Technology Medicine and health fo

Posted: 25 Dec 2022, 22:33
by sugar
Okra to stop bleeding, ants to detect cancer... Nature is a source of inspiration for amazing scientific discoveries
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Okra to stop bleeding and ants to detect cancer Nature has inspired amazing scientific discoveries

In light of the threats posed by climate change and human activities, animals and plants are more useful and important to humanity than ever and continue to inspire many scientific discoveries, sometimes unexpectedly.

"Nature has spent hundreds of millions of years perfecting elegant solutions to very complex problems. So if we look at it, we can save time and come up with workable solutions immediately," Alon Gorodetsky of the University of California, Irvine, told AFP.
From cuttlefish skin heaters to using cow mucus to prevent sexually transmitted viruses, here's a selection of science papers published in 2022 inspired by nature.
- Okra to stop bleeding -
Okra, a tropical plant used in the preparation of many dishes from different cuisines of the world, can achieve powerful results, both in the kitchen and in medicine.
This sticky green vegetable particularly inspired Malcolm Cheng of the University of Manitoba in Canada, who discovered that its juice, once pressed and dried into a powder, could be turned into an effective biogel that forms a natural barrier that can stimulate the blood clotting. This feature can be used to make a natural dressing to quickly stop bleeding in surgical procedures.
After testing this innovation on heart and liver wounds in dogs and rabbits, this gel stopped bleeding in a minute, without the use of stitches.
Human trials of this innovation are planned in the coming years.
- Mini robots for rescue missions -
Glowing beetles (fireflies) that light up the night sky have inspired scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to create tiny robots that can emit light as they fly.
To do this, they equipped the winged robots with artificial muscles, called actuators, to which light-emitting molecules were added.
Eventually, once equipped with sensors, this will allow these robots to autonomously intervene during rescue missions in a collapsed building, where large robots cannot go.
- Ants to detect cancer -
Detecting cancers with current methods (MRI, mammograms...) is often expensive and complicated.
So the researchers turn to animals: dogs but also... ants.
In a study conducted by the Sorbonne University in Paris, which has yet to be peer-reviewed, scientists used a sugary water reward to train a species of ant to smell the difference between the urine of mice with and without cancerous tumors.
About 100 ants were able to detect ovarian cancer and two types of breast cancer 95% of the time.
And while it takes at least six months to train a dog for this kind of detection, ants complete the task in less than an hour.
Cuttlefish skin to keep the coffee warm
The cuttlefish's body contains tiny organs called chromatophores, which can change in size or color dramatically. Inspired by this, Alon Gorodetsky, co-author of a study published in March in the journal Nature Sustainability, developed "mini metallic islands that can be separated" and assembled to create a thermoregulatory shell.
This innovation may one day be useful for keeping coffee or sandwiches warm.
"Nature is truly the epitome of innovation and engineering,"

Re: ✅ Department of Education, Science and Technology Medicine and health fo

Posted: 25 Dec 2022, 22:37
by sugar
Meat increases the risk of diabetes .. What's the secret?
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Diabetic patient eating meat

There is strong evidence that lifestyle changes significantly reduce the risk of diabetes, so some studies recommend avoiding two types of meat.
Studies have indicated that it is best to "avoid two types of meat because they can interfere with the body's genetic mechanisms, exposing the body to disease."
Historically, red meat was thought to affect the risk of diabetes due to its high levels of fat.
Saturated fats, which are abundant in red meat and many processed foods, may contribute to diabetes risk by increasing belly fat.

According to separate research, other biological mechanisms may explain this association.
A report published in ScienceDaily found that "a higher intake of red meat and poultry is associated with a significantly increased risk of diabetes."
The researchers noted that this was "particularly due to the high content of haem iron (Haeme) in these meats."
To elucidate the mechanisms, the researchers evaluated the relationship between the dietary iron content of all meats and the risk of developing diabetes.
After adjusting for blood and iron content of the diet, the association of red meat and diabetes was still present.
This suggests that other chemicals found in red meat could be responsible for the relationship.

In contrast, when the association between poultry intake and diabetes became null, indicating that the risk was attributable to the heme iron content of the poultry.

Diabetes and anemia
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According to previous research in the journal BMC Public Health: "Heme iron intake was directly associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in healthy adults."
An early report suggests that the bioavailability of heme iron may be an important factor explaining why a dietary component is consistently associated with type 2 diabetes.
Although the exact mechanisms underlying this relationship remain unclear, there is increasing evidence that iron status influences oxidative DNA damage.
It has been hypothesized that this phenomenon may influence key events in the onset of diabetes, such as insulin resistance or insulin deficiency.
Furthermore, there is evidence that the relationship is dose-dependent, so the association is particularly strong with high doses of heme iron.
Interestingly, high intakes of heme iron are also associated with an increased risk of multiple cancers, including colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and lung cancer.
Heme iron in meat is believed to alter many of the molecular and genetic mechanisms that lead to cancer.

Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum

Posted: 25 Dec 2022, 22:42
by sugar
Finding the gene responsible for the 'sixth sense' in humans
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Expressive image
American scientists managed to discover the gene responsible for the "sixth sense" in humans, the loss of which negatively affects coordination, speech and even the ability to walk.
This discovery was made by pediatric neurologist Karsten Penman, of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in Bethesda, who first drew attention to two patients, ages 9 and 19, who had similar symptoms.
It turned out that both patients suffer from scoliosis and have difficulty walking, as their arms, legs and fingers are abnormally bent and they also suffer from skin sensitivity issues.
After a series of tests conducted by Penman, it was found that the two girls could walk normally and only touched their noses with their eyes open and without visual control they could no longer do so.
It was also found that the two patients did not feel the touch of a soft brush or tuning fork vibrating on the skin, but the sensation of pain and temperature remained present, so it was possible to prove that the two girls did not have a "sixth sense" at all , that is, the instinctive awareness of their limbs in the surrounding space. They can be used, for example, to play the piano or shift gears in a car. The patient's lack of proprioception was partially compensated by vision.
Penman analyzed the two girls' DNA and found that they both have a rare and severe mutation in the PIEZO2 gene, which scientists say is directly linked to tactile senses and coordination.
Mutations in the PIEZO2 gene can also cause some people to be more agile and successful in sports, while others are more clumsy

Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum

Posted: 25 Dec 2022, 22:44
by sugar
Signs that you need to detox
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5 Signs You Need to Detox

The process of eliminating toxic waste from the body is known as detoxification and the body can face the risk of accumulating toxins in the body as a result of the body's regular exposure to harmful substances and toxins through the environment, diet and other sources
Signs you need to detox
Here are some ways you can determine if your body needs a detox
You've been smelling weird lately
The way you smell can say a lot about your body. Sometimes, toxins can build up in the body and cause harm to body odor. This can be a sign to start a detoxification process
You are always constipated
Toxins can disrupt your digestive health. Long periods of constipation can be a sign that you may need to detox
skin dryness
A build-up of toxins in the body can make your skin act up. To keep your skin healthy and glowing, you may want to do a skin detox
You can't manage your weight
Are you losing weight? If the answer is yes, then it may be a sign that your body
he needs
Frequent headaches
If you've had frequent headaches lately, this could be a sign that you need to detox.

The seventh day

Re: ✅Department of Education, Science and Technology,Medicine and health forum

Posted: 25 Dec 2022, 22:46
by sugar

Including nuts and carrots.. Foods that make you feel warm and boost immunity during winter

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The Ministry of Health and Population stated that there are certain foods that warm and increase immunity during the winter season, namely:
1- Preventive foods (vegetables and fruits) protect against respiratory diseases and other diseases of the winter season)
2- Vitamin A is available in (carrots - pumpkins - Leafy vegetables)
3 - Vitamin C, available in (guava - orange - tangerine - lemon, tomato - colored pepper - green pepper).
4- Zinc Legumes - Nuts Dark leafy vegetables.
5- Vitamin D, found in dairy products and various fish such as tuna and salmon.

Egyptian sunrise